Frequently Asked Questions

The journey through the development of your space is not always finished quickly. It is often step by step and blossoms as you feel more comfortable and begin to trust the process. Some questions and concerns are addressed below.

What if I’m not sure I want to hire a professional?

Sometimes the best way to get comfortable is to begin to expand your own knowledge base with some creative insights into what a design expert can bring to the table. Consider a discovery call at no charge followed up by a two hour consultation as a good start to capturing the spirit of your home.

I’d like some advice, but I can do lots myself, can you help?

I have many clients who ask for my help in fleshing out a plan so that they can do the legwork and labour themselves. I am within easy reach as they begin their own sourcing to approve or help to reevaluate choices during the design process. Retained services are for use as needed. Retained services are prepaid, and detailed statements with time tracking keeps clients well informed of where they stand in their creative budget.

This is a creative way to keep design costs down, but you will also be busy with the “unseen work” that is required. Keeping that front of mind will keep everyone satisfied with the process.

We are starting a new build/renovation, when should we hire a design expert?

Absolutely have your plans reviewed before you are too far along in the process. The placement of lighting receptacles, switches, plugs, ambient lighting and so many other details may not seem important now, but they can be costly to adjust further into the project.

What will your services cost?

My services range from an hourly fee (with a two hour minimum on the first appointment), to design packages offering a range of choices and services to fit any budget, to full scope projects with retainer. Therefore, depending on your needs and budget, you can choose anything from a few hundred dollars to whatever level of service you require.

How long do I have until my invoice is due?

With the implementation and new upgrades in The Studio, all services are paid upfront through the portal. Retainer packages are available and bi-weekly detailed invoices will be deducted from that retainer. Any refunds for unused hours will be returned at project completion, minus any administrative fees required from our platform. We only take on a limited number of projects at any one time, so receiving payment in advance and scheduling the project is imperative to be best able to serve clients.

Do I have to sign a Contract?

Yes, for sure. It may be a Contract or a Letter of Agreement depending on the scope of work. This protects both of us from any misunderstandings in regards to expectations and timeline implementations.

How long does it take to get started?

That depends on current waitlists, the scope of work involved and whether you are doing most the legwork yourself. In the event that a DIY’er decides to switch to a full scope service, we will discuss what, if any, changes and expectations need to be managed.

What if I am unsure about moving forward?

That is the purpose of a discovery call. We will discuss your goals and expectations and you can make a decision on next steps or not from there.